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This Camera Is An Overview of Disneyland Tokyo. The camera automatically zooms into Disney a little while before the fireworks start. The Camera is from the airport and zooms around various locations. Fireworks currently start just after 8:40 (20:40:00). They are about 20 minutes. Be sure to set the Video Quality to 1080p! See below for the show soundtrack. Sometimes they will cancel the show due to winds or will eliminate some fireworks. Otherwise, Enjoy!
Once you back up the Live Feed above to the start time, press the play button below as soon as you see the 1st set of fireworks(In The Air). If you do, the soundtrack will line up perfect to what you are seeing! If there are winds, they could cancel or eliminate the 1st fireworks that would cause you to not be able to sync the music. Most of the nights it works! Enjoy!